Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Eve

It's fascinating to see how much things have changed since the first day of 2013 until this moment as I look back on throwback photos that people are posting in with subtle filters from Instagram. Thinking about it, I realized how time seemed like it only passed by. I can still remember the first day of my 3rd term and how disappointed I was upon learning that my original professor for Kaspil2 was replaced by another professor, and how I came rushing through the door at a speed of light just to catch up on my 1st class on 1st day.

Last night, I went out with my girlie, Raiza to accompany me on getting a new 'do, to start out fresh next year. Growing up, I always have had long hair. All my life, I've never given a thought about cutting it short, except when my mom forced me when I was in 5th grade, but I don't think that counts anyway. In all honesty, prior to this day that I decided to cut it, I couldn't stop thinking about, worrying how I would look like. Too many questions are filling my mind. Will I look younger? What if I looked more fat? Despite the many questions, only one has made me decide to  cut it short. I was asked by another friend one thing. "Do you want to look the same, or go for a change?" And that hit me. I remember browsing through my highschool photos and realized how much things haven't changed. I still got the same hair length, bangs, it almost seemed boring. So eventually, I did. And I've never felt this good. It feels so nice to finally cut it short, it was too short, I couldn't even tie it. It felt spontaneous and impulsive and I'm glad my friend recommended me her favorite stylist, which is now my favorite, too! Now I can say that I'm ready for 2014 as a changed woman!